Debating Tilburg's 'beautiful ugliness' online: The case of The Blue Building

Inge Beekmans
16 minutes to read

What is it like to live in a city that is considered 'ugly' by most of the people you know? Online discussions about the planned demolition of The blue building demonstrate how some inhabitants of Tilburg construct narratives regarding their city's 'beautiful ugliness', while other Tilburgers reject their ironic and humorous attitude.

Fortnite characters

Convergence culture in the video game industry

Szymon Zbiegniewski
10 minutes to read

The NorCal and SCal culture industries are converging on multiple levels, and one of them is the video game industry. This paper explores how Fortnite revolutionized the way we perceive games.

New understanding of AI through post-humanist life writing

Jaimy Pijpers
21 minutes to read

Kazuo Ishiguro portrays a nuanced characterization of AI with 'Klara and The Sun'. This paper re-evaluates the genre of life writing so it can provide a better understanding of AI and other-than-human perspectives.

It always starts with a lighthouse

How BioShock makes you forget you’re playing a game (2K Games)

Rebecca de Jongh
6 minutes to read

BioShock's narrative and clever game design fully immerse you into its story. You forget you are playing a game until suddenly the game makes you painfully aware you were never truly in control...

Fairy Tales are reimgined and updated in the Girl Tales Podcast. This is an interview with podcast found and executive Producer Rebecca Cunningham and producer, writer, voice actor Tessa Flannery.


GOLDEN vs. IWASAKI: Perspectives about Geishas

Nathaly Yumi da Silva
21 minutes to read

Golden and Iwasaki have totally different concepts about geishas. The conflict between them is clear: while Golden casts them as prostitutes, Iwasaki reveals them as artists. This article explores these perspectives.

Image 1: Birds Aren’t Real van and the founder of the movement Peter McIndoe

Birds Aren't Real: a post-truth 'conspiracy' paradox

Lily Francois
7 minutes to read

The Birds Aren't Real is a parody social movement with a purpose: making fun of misinformation in a post-truth world dominated by online conspiracy theories

Linguistic Landscapes in Europe - Alternative city tours?

Irina Jidoveanu
11 minutes to read

This article highlights both the similarities and the differences between how different ethnic groups express themselves depending on the social, political, historical, and cultural context.

Portret of Ben Shapiro

Ben Shapiro in the hybrid media system: methodology and methods

Ruben den Boer
12 minutes to read

This article presents a detailed account of the methodologies and methods we deployed while investigating how Ben Shapiro uses mainstream digital media to have a voice in the hybrid media system.

Behind the Curtain: “1984”’s Aesthetics of Immediacy

Inge van de Ven
12 minutes to read

The TV ad “1984” introducing Apple's Macintosh PC has many intertexts—from the aesthetics of fascism to Plato to The Truman Show. This article discusses the video’s ‘aesthetics of immediacy.’

Barbenheimer: Affirming Stereotypes In Meme Culture

Wessel Joosten
11 minutes to read

In 2023, the films "Barbie" and "Oppenheimer" sparked the online trend "Barbenheimer," leading to memes and humor. This paper analyzes a specific video related to "Barbenheimer," exploring its popularity and discursive function.

Eroda: No Land Quite Like It

Eroda: where visual art, storytelling and marketing become one

Kelly Burnet
13 minutes to read

In this paper, the Eroda project is discussed which functions as a marketing campaign and an art project. The connected music video, directed by Dave Meyers, stands out for its captivating plot, English aesthetic and unusual characters.