Becker and subcultures

Xingyue MU

Subculture is a branch of the whole culture, it is caused by a variety of social and natural factors in various areas, each group culture special aspects. As a result of class, hierarchy, ethnicity, religion, and the different living environment, can be in a unified national culture, with its own characteristics of the formation of regional culture or regions that 'Sub-culture'. 


Subculture with the national culture the basic characteristics of the whole, such as language, behavior patterns, etc., and has its own uniqueness. Subculture is formed is a relatively independent functional unit, is binding to all the members of the subordinate. 


Subculture is a relative concept. Is the overall culture time of culture. The culture of a cultural district for the whole nation culture is a subculture, and for the communities and groups in the area of a cultural is the overall culture, while the latter is subculture. Study of subculture to insight into the social structure and social life is of great significance. 


Non-mainstream refers to things that do not belong to the mainstream, such as cultural subcultures, religious heretics, heterosexuals in the crowd etc. There is relative to the mainstream and non-mainstream concept. A thing can both from the mainstream become mainstream, can also from the mainstream to non-mainstream (such as the 90 s popular dress, language, culture and so on from the initial non-mainstream development into the mainstream); A thing in a certain environment is the mainstream, to another environment is likely to become the mainstream (such as a western country' busker street show off improvisation is normal situation but if he/she staged in the streets of China will be certainly surprised the Chinese person). Therefore, there is no absolute mainstream, also won't have the absolute mainstream. Today's mainstream has become distorted culture, the real non-mainstream is currently popular punk.


Subculture has kinds of classification methods, divided into ethnic subcultures, age of subculture, ecology of subculture, etc. Such as age subculture can be divided into old age culture, youth culture; Ecology of subculture can be divided into the urban, suburban and rural culture, etc. By subculture is direct action or influence people social psychological environment to survive, its influence is often greater than the main culture, it can give a person a kind of can distinguish identity and belong to a special group or the collective spirit and temperament.


For instance, hip hop music and tattoos are both belong 'subculture' in my own life, And I think tattoo culture can be labeled deviant. Most people think, tattoo is a symbol of the rebellious and the bad guys in China, Europe and the United States tattoo just pop and fashion. Tattoo after several changes in the long river of history, a lot of the time is not the face of it, Chinese tattoo because of its unique cultural background, the rulers used in criminal law. Such a cultural background, easy to distort. It is not a simple one, is a multifaceted, diversified forms. 


Similarly, Because hip-hop is the original black culture in the United States. It's a lifestyle. Even if someone have no idea about DJ, MC, Bboy, Graffitti etc. As long as his mind, words and behaviors close to that culture, it also can be said he/she very HipHop. So it can be said Hiphop is a very pure civilians culture, is passed by countless people and innovation, it's very viable. 


Because HipHop's original meaning is that poor blacks use bad words and deeds and expressions of life to vent their dissatisfaction with social injustice and white discrimination, therefore, fundamentally truly original HipHop spirit and most of the content are not accepted by the government or society. With the progress of the society and on the influence of multiculturalism, the education level and the career status of the black people are continually heightenedthe, The view of the 60s - 70s has been slowly out of date,  in order to promote HipHop people to start with a new way to HipHop to continue to survive and develop, Slowly to show the joy and positive things of the hip-hop music in the society. In today "has become a symbol of youthful energy, is no longer the poor black generation of words. According to the trend of the development of now, "will have greater influence on society.


Nowadays, HipHop has become one of the signs of young vitality, is no longer the poor black endorsement. In accordance with the current development trend, HipHop will have a greater influence in the society, 'sub-culture' is also.