“The Outsiders” by Howard Beckers

Sub-Assignment 1

Kerry Sloan

After reading this literature called “The Outsiders” by Howard Beckers I got to understand the general functions of the ‘sub-cultures’ in our society. Along with these ‘sub-cultures’, the concept of career for those with deviant characteristic, the kind of deviance, marijuana use and social control, rules and enforcement and moral entrepreneurs were displayed in the literature. All of these concepts have shown that the deviant that develop their own sub-culture have a different way of living their daily lives compare to the norms of the society. For instance, the jazz musicians, they are set in the deviant group and they perform their music with passion and freedom. These jazz musicians played their music not for “the square” but rather for their own need. 

In society I consider myself as a novice and the inexperience in the deviant sub-culture. I’ve turned 18 recently and for the first time I was allowed to buy alcohol in supermarkets. Whereas in comparison to before I had to drink the drinks that my 18+ friends bought for me. Therefore, technically in the past, I broke the rules, making me a deviant and today I’m the novice that is slowly fitting into the culture of the norm in the society.  

About the literature, there were certain topics which were not up to date to the current time we’re living in for instance the jazz musicians. A lot of jazz musicians have disappeared in this era due to new music such as pop and rock which has emerged into our society. Therefore, making the idea of jazz musicians being deviant rather difficult to understand since the music taste before is not the same as the present day.