Logo van Ongehoord Nederland, op de achtergrond een omgekeerde Nederlandse vlag

The Ongehoord Nederland community on Twitter: thick or light?

Ruben den Boer
19 minutes to read

Following the controversial broadcasts of Ongehoord Nederland, temporary Twitter communities quickly arise. Can we consider these communities as 'thick'? Or are they more 'light' in nature? This article uses ethnomining to find out. 

BIOR: local vs global voices in a case of cultural appropriation

Andreea-Diana Dobrescu
13 minutes to read

This essay explores the concept of cultural appropriation in a globalized world, examining its various forms, its impact on marginalized communities, and the power dynamics between local and global voices.

Witch in the woods

#Hexit: witches in Dutch political discourse

Ruben den Boer
14 minutes to read

Witches are hardly political figures, but their name and likeliness are used in Dutch political discourse, for example in the hashtag #hexit. So, what actually is the discursive function of witches is in Dutch political discourse?

Mail man

Ring Video Doorbell: privacy invasion delivered to your doorstep

Ruben den Boer
13 minutes to read

Ring Video Doorbells ensure security for homeowners. Through a discourse analysis of Ring Doorbell videos posted on TikTok, this article answers the question: which privacy issues do video doorbells raise for the person on your doorstep?

A person using a tablet and stylus to draw

DeviantArt and AI: The showdown between manual playbour and automated playbour

Pak Wing Ng
15 minutes to read

By looking at DeviantArt and its no-AI alternative Side 7, the article explores an issue of the security of users' artwork with the rise of AI art generators, as well as the way the platforms deal with artwork protection. 

How Andy Warhol anticipated acid house rave culture!

Wessel Joosten
12 minutes to read

This paper will explore and analyze how Andy Warhol’s Exploding Plastic Inevitable Now has anticipated and influenced Acid House Raves, in particular the ones at the nightclub called Shoom in London. 

Knives Out (2019)

Knives Out (2019) and the classical detective formula

Chi-chieh Huang
14 minutes to read

This article examines how director Rian Johnson follows and deviates from the classical detective formula to create a murder mystery filled with twists and turns in Knives Out (2019).

Multisensory Realities of Authentic Artworks

Olga Koltsova
9 minutes to read

This paper demonstrates how the multisensory design of an art exhibition challenges the concept of artworks' authenticity and allows visitors to connect with the art at a more intimate level.

A replica of the Eiffel Tower with the festival logo stands on the grounds of the French edition of Lollapalooza, held in Paris.

Globalization and music festivals: the case of Lollapalooza

Gerard Castillo-Miralles
13 minutes to read

In this article I will analyze the tense relationship between the local and the global in music festivals. To do so, I will focus on the Lollapalooza festival, known for its eclectic artistic proposal, which is currently present in 8 countries.

JEf Verschueren, complicity, practice, discourse

Complicity in practice and discourse (Jef Verschueren)

Tom Van Hout
4 minutes to read

In this thought-provoking essay, Jef Verschueren marshals progressive values of solidarity, community, and engagement and compels us to embrace and share responsibility for a healthier public sphere. 

Two screens showing the BeReal notification

BeReal: How Authenticity Turns into Violation of Privacy

Anna Skorodihina
13 minutes to read

This article looks at how the new social media platform BeReal structures its app to enforce what is called an expository society through behaviour modification and how it plays into societies of control, compromising user privacy.

Wealthy woman's total linguistic facts

Tom Van Hout
8 minutes to read

To understand how cultural ideas are evoked, we must analyze the total linguistic fact: how the interplay of language structure, use and ideology shapes social life.