How AI can go completely wrong in Health Care

Carolina Castro

Inspired by real-world issues, this fictional podcast imagines future scenarios and explores the potential impacts of AI and other technological advances in the healthcare sector. 

In a dystopian future scenario, the Netherlands heavily invested in the use of AI to help in mental health care. This investment led to the creation of PSY-NL, a software launched by the Dutch Government in 2035 as a strategy for Mental Health Care. The software offers consultations with psychiatrists and psychologists to treat mental health issues. In 2045, only critical cases have human professionals intermediating with AI (like Alzheimer's, schizophrenia, severe depression, etc).

The podcast is making a series to “celebrate” the 10th year of the Psy-NL and it will discuss its potentials and challenges. The software has high reliability among the country's population and inspired other countries to create their own versions. In this episode, our host Carol interviews Sofia, a specialist in Digital Health. Together, they discuss recent news related to the Dutch Royal Family and the ethical implications of employing technology in mental health care.


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