
Risk society

Risking Your Future: Why Commercial Genetic Testing Is Disempowering

Martijn Logtenberg
9 minutes to read

Genetic testing companies, such as 23andMe, commercialise the neoliberal idea of personal responsibility for individuals' health through information on disease risks. This article exposes the underlying assumptions of this claim on risk society.

Eating disorders online


How are social media platforms and their algorithms affecting people who suffer from an eating disorder? This Diggit Magazine file engages with the influence of the internet on the ways in which eating disorder sufferers exchange experiences and ideas, and might trigger each other online. 

digital health, health, AI, algorithmic intelligence and health

Digital Health


Digitalization, algorithmic intelligence and digital platformization are affecting all areas of our lives. Health is no exception. In this new Diggit Magazine file, you can learn more about digital health and the relationship between health and digitalization.

Does a Fitbit make you healthier and happier?

Iris Olde Hampsink
11 minutes to read

This article analyzes the app Fitbit, its aim and its game design elements. What makes Fitbit both successful and unsuccessful. Additionally, the article discusses what role participatory surveillance plays on the app. 

How an insurance company motivates clients to stay healthy: the a.s.r. Vitality app

Isabelle Cijsouw
17 minutes to read

This article explores how the a.s.r. Vitality app communicates societal health norms and shows how important notions in Michel Foucault’s work - the panopticon, social hygiene and the care of the self - can be applied to this phenomenon.

Miah Moos

How a college student lives a zero waste lifestyle

Nataliia Vdovychenko
14 minutes to read

What does it actually take to live a mindful life with zero waste? Is it possible to survive the struggle of reorganizing your life habits if you are still a student? And how expensive it is to do good for the environment?