new media

"Caveman" by Bryce Bradford

The Fear Factor: How Modern Media Capitalize on Our Primal Instinct

Marijn van Engelen
19 minutes to read

What is the attention economy, and how does it relate to fear? This paper illustrates from an evolutionary psychological perspective how media can cater to our primal fears to capture and profit from our attention.


The AfD white men Advent calendar

Nataliia Vdovychenko
5 minutes to read

AfD (Alternative für Deutschland), the German far-right party, issued a white men Advent campaign. The political movement uses this Advent calendar to promote their new right ideology and Euroscepticism.

Stop Tihange and Doel: Activism in the streets and on social media

Aimée Overhof
14 minutes to read

This paper contains a digital ethnographic inquiry into the Stop Tihange movement. What role do new media play in the essembly of this movement, that aims to shut down a nuclear plant in Belgium?

Lindsey Graham #ReadyToLead

Why Lindsey Graham is the Defeated Commander

Lovise Neess
21 minutes to read

Explaining political failure is as relevant as explaining political success.This analysis explores why Lindsey Graham's political message did not succeed in capturing the electorate in the campaign for the Republican presidential primaries.

Ben Carson tweets '#IamaChristian' right after the Oregon shooting on October 2nd 2015.

Ben Carson's #IamaChristian

Suleika Gommers
20 minutes to read

Carsons tweet 'I AM A CHRISTIAN ’  went viral right after the college shooting near Roseburg, Oregon, killing nine people. This paper give insight on the person Ben Carson, what made him tweet these words.