new right

BreadTube: YouTube but good

How BreadTube challenges right-wing discourse

Marit van Dijck
15 minutes to read

BreadTube, a loose association of leftist content creators, successfully appropriates right-wing and mainstream techniques to break into their information flows online. But their usage of neoliberal affordances might threaten their future. 

Going Dark, extrimism, ebner

Going dark: The secret social lives of extremists (Julia Ebner)

Ico Maly
6 minutes to read

Going Dark:The secret social lives of extremists is a well structured introduction to the global far right, and succeeds in bringing academic research to a broad audience.

Qanon, Qarmy, Trump

QArmy vs. QAnon Debunkers: The role of confirmation bias

Federica Morgandi
12 minutes to read

QAnon is an American conspiracy theory associated with Trump supporters and right-wing politics. How can one article - which seeks to explain what QAnon is - influence debunkers and believers of the theory?

Political polarization Ghent linguistic landscape protest from the left

Political polarization in Ghent: a "radical" linguistic landscape

Claudia Gerards
32 minutes to read

With a shift towards the far-right, politics in Flanders have become rather polarized. In Ghent's linguistic landscape, we see counter noise coming from the left. What does this tell us about Ghent in the context of Flemish politics?

Farage, Brexit and the anti-Enlightenment

Dieuwertje Schipper
13 minutes to read

After Brexit, we can see what a success Farage's campaign has been. By talking about the right issues during crises, Farage appealed to a certain population in the UK. His active online campaign was also a major contributing factor in his success.

slavic union

Slavic Union is on the rise in Eastern Europe

Nataliia Vdovychenko
20 minutes to read

Much of the information about Alt-Right nowadays comes from 'the West'. This is not very accurate, because the movement is strong and growing in Eastern Europe. This article describes the concept of Slavia and why we should know about it.