
Banner Rihanna Superbowl

RiRi is back? Public discourse on Rihanna’s comeback

Maaike Lobbezoo
12 minutes to read

Rihanna will be performing the Super Bowl 2023 in February. The announcement of the singer was received with open arms by the fans. This paper aims to investigate the public's reaction to the announcement on social media. 

Logo van Ongehoord Nederland, op de achtergrond een omgekeerde Nederlandse vlag

The Ongehoord Nederland community on Twitter: thick or light?

Ruben den Boer
19 minutes to read

Following the controversial broadcasts of Ongehoord Nederland, temporary Twitter communities quickly arise. Can we consider these communities as 'thick'? Or are they more 'light' in nature? This article uses ethnomining to find out. 

Portret of Ben Shapiro

Ben Shapiro in the hybrid media system: methodology and methods

Ruben den Boer
12 minutes to read

This article presents a detailed account of the methodologies and methods we deployed while investigating how Ben Shapiro uses mainstream digital media to have a voice in the hybrid media system.

Witch in the woods

#Hexit: witches in Dutch political discourse

Ruben den Boer
14 minutes to read

Witches are hardly political figures, but their name and likeliness are used in Dutch political discourse, for example in the hashtag #hexit. So, what actually is the discursive function of witches is in Dutch political discourse?

Two women read a digital story on their phone.

Digital Storytelling


With daily activities and life moving online, digital stories that are specifically created for online publication are appearing. Digital stories make use of the the media's interactive, mulitplatform and multimodal affordances.

Peer surveillance and cancelation in a digital panopticon

Luna-Anastasia Riedel
11 minutes to read

Individuals are constantly in the state of being surveilled. This article deals with peer surveillance on the internet and how this surveillance converges with the offline world into an online-offline nexus event.