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Graphic Novel

Graphic novels are a contemporary literature form of long stories told in comics format. They have the same characteristics of comics: multimodality, cartooning techniques and elements (panels, gutters).


Comics (generally referring to comic books and comic strips) are a popular form of visual storytelling that combines still images and text.


The picturebook is a storytelling medium that presents its text in both verbal and visual language. According to Barbara Bader (1976), a picturebook is words and illustrations in a total design, “an item of manufacture and a commercial product; a social, cultural, historic document; and foremost, an experience for a [reader / beholder]. As an art form it hinges on the interdependence of pictures and words, on the simultaneous display of two facing pages, and on the drama of the turning page” (ibid., p.1).


Arts is originally related to art and as such refers to a skill and to creativity. In antiquity and in medieval European universities seven artes were considered important: grammar, logic, rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy. From the 18th and 19th centuries on – the period of Romanticism and upcoming bourgeois society - the artist, the one who makes art, was regarded as someone with a special talent and authentic character.

What is the phenomenon of Banksy?

Nataliia Vdovychenko
19 minutes to read

The article discusses the phenomenon of Banksy's art and its artistic and cultural value in relation to his anonymity. As a case study, Banksy's work exemplifies the intertwining of media, art, and activism in this day and age.

death rituals, death mentalities, death

Death Mentalities in the 21st Century

Martin Hoondert
1 minute to read

Death is part of the human condition. Through time, people have tried to cope with death through rituals and arts and each age seems to have a dominant attitude towards death - the so-called death mentalities. 

The (in)visible Poetry Museum in Amsterdam

Chiara Palsgraaf
17 minutes to read

The Poetry Museum raises consciousness on the role of AR, art and the museum in the public sphere. It shows that online media has the ability to influence the public sphere but is inevitably linked to the offline culture to establish changes.

Martin Garrix in Paradiso Amsterdam

Reusing Churches in the Netherlands

Nataliia Vdovychenko
14 minutes to read

Churches close down because of the small number of parishioners and this tendency is an important marker for the position of religion in Western Europe. What happens when churches do not attract the same numbers of believers anymore?

kunstmatig kind, ivf,

Welkom in mijn baarmoeder, mijn lief kunstmatig kind 

Seline Westerhof
3 minutes to read

Ivf bood mijn moeder de mogelijkheid tot moederschap. Maar was zij een sterke vrouw met een eigen keuze of een willoos slachtoffer van de technologie?

network, sense8, netflix

What Sense8 teaches us about the network society

Nadine Visser
8 minutes to read

The series Sense8 is interesting in the context of globalization because it presents a lot of the aspects of a network society. This article analyses the link between the series and a network society.

Ai Weiwei, activism, politics

Ai Weiwei and the Art of Activism

Ghyli Kirshner
12 minutes to read

Whether pictures of his middle finger in front of national buildings or a recreation of a drowned refugee, Ai Weiwei is not afraid to shock and confront people with his art works.