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Graphic Novel

Graphic novels are a contemporary literature form of long stories told in comics format. They have the same characteristics of comics: multimodality, cartooning techniques and elements (panels, gutters).


Comics (generally referring to comic books and comic strips) are a popular form of visual storytelling that combines still images and text.


The picturebook is a storytelling medium that presents its text in both verbal and visual language. According to Barbara Bader (1976), a picturebook is words and illustrations in a total design, “an item of manufacture and a commercial product; a social, cultural, historic document; and foremost, an experience for a [reader / beholder]. As an art form it hinges on the interdependence of pictures and words, on the simultaneous display of two facing pages, and on the drama of the turning page” (ibid., p.1).


Arts is originally related to art and as such refers to a skill and to creativity. In antiquity and in medieval European universities seven artes were considered important: grammar, logic, rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy. From the 18th and 19th centuries on – the period of Romanticism and upcoming bourgeois society - the artist, the one who makes art, was regarded as someone with a special talent and authentic character.

Promotion and storytelling in Hopeless Fountain Kingdom by Halsey

Hanan Faour
10 minutes to read

This paper explores the ways in which the transmedial extensions of Halsey's concept album Hopeless Fountain Kingdom function as both a means of artistic exploration, as well as promotional tools. 

The war in Ukraine and the end of everything

Kevin Doyle
34 minutes to read

Kevin Doyle doesn't understand why we let ourselves be reduced to passive observers of the war in Ukraine. Will we one day wake up – complicit and deranged – as nothing more than spectators at the end of everything?

Algorithmic world-making : a speculative view on representation

Antonio Sforna
13 minutes to read

This paper delves deep into the epistemic and interpretative ambiguity introduced by algorithms. They are not really understood by the everyday person. However, this paper introduces useful concepts to think about these topics.

Decolonizing the Universal Museum

Daniel Obubo
10 minutes to read

This article focuses on globalisation, universalism and the concept of the universal museum while dissecting The Declaration on the Importance and Value of Universal Museums through the context of stolen artefacts like the Benin Bronzes. 


GOLDEN vs. IWASAKI: Perspectives about Geishas

Nathaly Yumi da Silva
21 minutes to read

Golden and Iwasaki have totally different concepts about geishas. The conflict between them is clear: while Golden casts them as prostitutes, Iwasaki reveals them as artists. This article explores these perspectives.

The Migrant Identity: The Role of Art and Media in Identity Formation

Rebecca de Jongh
31 minutes to read

Migration is one of the most important issues in our society, the migrant identity can be approached from many different angles. We will focus on the use of the migrant identity in art in relation to the image as portrayed in the media.