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Graphic Novel

Graphic novels are a contemporary literature form of long stories told in comics format. They have the same characteristics of comics: multimodality, cartooning techniques and elements (panels, gutters).


Comics (generally referring to comic books and comic strips) are a popular form of visual storytelling that combines still images and text.


The picturebook is a storytelling medium that presents its text in both verbal and visual language. According to Barbara Bader (1976), a picturebook is words and illustrations in a total design, “an item of manufacture and a commercial product; a social, cultural, historic document; and foremost, an experience for a [reader / beholder]. As an art form it hinges on the interdependence of pictures and words, on the simultaneous display of two facing pages, and on the drama of the turning page” (ibid., p.1).


Arts is originally related to art and as such refers to a skill and to creativity. In antiquity and in medieval European universities seven artes were considered important: grammar, logic, rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy. From the 18th and 19th centuries on – the period of Romanticism and upcoming bourgeois society - the artist, the one who makes art, was regarded as someone with a special talent and authentic character.

The Metamorphosis of Patti Smith

Nina Groeskamp
12 minutes to read

Is Patti Smith a celebrity or public intellectual? This article analyses her main role through the perspective of these two models. She is a different assemblage, playing different roles on each occasion. 

The Ekphrastic Poetry of James R. Eads

Roeline Machiels
20 minutes to read

Ekphrastic poetry is poetry which is linked with an art piece and written in reaction to an illustration. The art and text generally work together in order to generate new meaning. James R. Eads' works are a good example of ekphrastic poetry.

Questionnaire literary reading & attention

Inge van de Ven

Who likes to read and wants to help researchers to find out about reading & attention? Fill out the questionnaire (also available in Dutch)!

Dark Side of the Moon: How a Mockumentary Shapes Perception

Egle Talandyte
9 minutes to read

Dark Side of the Moon (2002) is a French mockumentary which exposes the idea of the moon landing being filmed in a studio with the goal of invoking critical reflexivity to question the reliability of the presented discourse in media.

Lady Bird and the Celebration of Womanhood (Greta Gerwig)

Lola Vos
7 minutes to read

Greta Gerwig's 2017 film Lady Bird is a celebration of femininity and its strongest point is the message it sends. The film signifies an important breakthrough in male-dominated Hollywood.

Fleabag: the series.

How Fleabag uses the fourth wall to create intimacy

Idhuna Pastoor
21 minutes to read

This article explores how the series Fleabag destroys the fourth wall and what this means for the relationship between the viewer and Fleabag.

Understanding "I'm Still Here". This can't be real, right?

Hanne Hermens
15 minutes to read

This essay explores the confusion that was ignited by the film I'm Still Here (2010) by analysing its form, purpose and content and comparing it to other forms of film.