Public Sphere

Lies, Laws, and Literature: What Franz Kafka Teaches Us about Power and Politics Today

Katherine Huber
11 minutes to read

What can we learn about contemporary by reading the work of Franz Kafka? In this article, Kate Huber and Odile Heynders address The Trial, pro-palestine protests, The Metamorphosis and the toeslagenaffaire.

Platform Affordances and Foreign Policy

Nikki Bergmans
13 minutes to read

This article compares and contrasts Twitter and Facebook discourse, looks at how social media influences foreign policy conversations and considers the influence of platform affordances.
- a thesis extract

Korvel: An unequal Surveillant Landscape

Korvel: A surveillant landscaping study

Joël Eduard Nicholas Grassère
19 minutes to read

Korvel is a diverse neighborhood like many others. In this article, you discover the dynamics that define digital surveillance in an area that contains diverse actors and how it can become a cause of inequality and disconnection.

Youtube AI

The YouTube algorithm and its problems

Joël Eduard Nicholas Grassère

The Youtube algorithm is often criticized.  This video explains why it is problematic. The data that it uses is wrong and the algorithm itself is problematic. However, there is also an issue concerning interpretation.

K-pop: from local to international

Gergana Mihaylova
11 minutes to read

K-Pop is a recent fad that has recently emerged as an apparent cultural phenomenon in Europe and America. That being said, I will analyse how Korean pop expands from local music to international sensation through globalization.

JEf Verschueren, complicity, practice, discourse

Complicity in practice and discourse (Jef Verschueren)

Tom Van Hout
4 minutes to read

In this thought-provoking essay, Jef Verschueren marshals progressive values of solidarity, community, and engagement and compels us to embrace and share responsibility for a healthier public sphere.