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process of differentiation and demarcation, by which the line is drawn between ‟us” and ‟them” – between the more and the less powerful – and through which social distance is established and maintained (Lister 2004).


Orientalism refers to a long tradition of Western representations of the Orient as exotic and 'non-coeval' with the West.


The term coevalness refers to sharing the same timeframe. Much like 'medieval' refers to the middle ages, co-eval refers to a shared age.


Linguicism is language discrimination or language racism, the discrimination of speakers of a certain language.
neo racism and banal nationalism of the AFD

How the AFD tries to divide Germany

Nathalie Schabio
12 minutes to read

Germany is in a fight against racism since the second world war. However, the increasing popularity of the right party AFD is challenging the goal of achieving equality. Neo-racism and banal nationalism aggravate the political and social climate.

proud boys, parler, social media

The Proud Boys in the hybrid media system

Marieke Weeda
15 minutes to read

This paper analyzes how the Proud Boys use the hybrid media system to spread their ideology, make use of metapolitics, and organise offline action. 

Joe Biden wins 2020 presidential elections with the help of black voters

Joe Biden, George Floyd and #BLM: how Biden won the race for presidency.

Nikki Lavrijssen
20 minutes to read

This article demonstrates how presidential candidate Joe Biden profited from George Floyd's death and the consequent rise of the #BLM movement by using the situation to win over Black voters.  An analysis of his tweets reveals how he did this.

#iwanttoseenyome campaign against racial-bias on Instagram

Racial bias and #IWantToSeeNyome on Instagram

Flávia Stienstra
16 minutes to read

This article analyzes the discourses surrounding the removal of photographs of black curvy model Nyome Nicholas-Williams, which incited a discussion on Instagram’s racial bias practices leading to policy change on adult nudity.

White Genocide conspiracy theory

The white genocide conspiracy theory

Nataliia Vdovychenko
15 minutes to read

The white genocide conspiracy theory refers to a spread far-right belief that white populations are gradually being replaced with non-whites. How did this theory originate and how has it gained momentum online?

Facial recognition law enforcement

Facial recognition discriminates, but who is to blame?

Tinka Krikke
3 minutes to read

This article analyzes law enforcement discrimination via facial recognition technology, focusing on philosophical theories of responsibility. If no one can control AI, who is responsible for the discrimination it causes?

The Super-Predator: How Discourse Shaped Sentencing for Juveniles

Lara Hoffmann
20 minutes to read

In this essay, I will analyze to what extent influential figures in politics and the media had a role in the prosecution of children in the 1990s and their effects in contemporary times.