digital media, platform ideologies, digital ideologies

Digital economy and platform ideologies

Working paper
Ico Maly

Can we analyse digital media platforms as producers of ideology? Ico Maly lays out a framework to do exactly that. 

Max and Nev

Catfish: The TV Show (MTV)

Irene de Groot
3 minutes to read

In Catfish: the TV show hosts Nev and Max help people who are head over heels about someone they met online. A review.

Diversity and representation in TV and movies and why it matters

Florentine Bakkenes
10 minutes to read

This paper explores the positive and negative effects of representation that we see in TV programs or movies and discusses Encanto and Emily in Paris as examples that do it right and wrong. 

Influencers have an important role in the digital attention economy. One of the facets of that role - namely how they reproduce media ideologies - deserves more attention. This case study looks at Gary Vee as an ideological actor. 

The power duo hosts of AB Drink Talk

Womb with a view- Episode 1

Xiaofan Betty Takala

"Womb with a View" podcast, hosted by SipSquad, delves into the ethical implications of artificial wombs. Discussions on gender equality, reproductive autonomy, and legalities offer insights and the potential of this technology.

QAnon and how they remain visible in the hybrid media system

Sophie Mols
11 minutes to read

QAnon keeps succeeding in spreading its messages despite the efforts of social media to censor them. This article explores how the tactics they use, real-world events, and the current media landscape influence this.

Designers rethink social boundaries with gender-neutral fashion

Stefan Immens
14 minutes to read

Society is in constant change adapting to what is happening in the global environment. The fashion industry is getting stronger every day because it has been adapting in unique ways to society such as gender-neutral fashion.