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Agency is the ability of individuals to act independently and of their own volition.


Counter-mapping refers to the effort of mapping against dominant power structures with the aim of creating social or political change. 

Critical cartography

Critical cartography refers to the academic field in which products and processes of cartography are critically analysed in order to reveal hegemonic power-relations.


Surveillance is a mode of power based on the detailed and totalized observation of behavior. It is the prevailing form of power developed and deployed in modernity


Ideology is any set of socially structured ideas guiding behavior and thought in particular domains of life.


Metapolitics started from the idea of ‘the primacy of culture over politics as the premise to a revolution in the spirit of ‘right-wing Gramscism’ (Griffin, 2000).

Hidden transcripts

Hidden transcripts is a concept often used in discussions of power and resistance, and it refers to forms of resistance and dissent that are kept out of sight for those in power.

Major tech corporations rule their regions of the internet through their codes, and perform as judges over their digital subjects. These corporations, however, are not bound by the same constitutional principles as states, nor are they obliged to take into accounts human rights.

Platform Affordances and Foreign Policy

Nikki Bergmans
13 minutes to read

This article compares and contrasts Twitter and Facebook discourse, looks at how social media influences foreign policy conversations and considers the influence of platform affordances.
- a thesis extract

anti-China discourse, anti-Chinese tech discourse

Anti-Chinese tech discourse


Chinese tech has become a prominent topic in political discourse. From TikTok to Huawei, Chinese tech is increasingly framed in terms of 'surveillance', 'national security threats' and economic warfare. Learn more about them in our brand new file! 

“Gentlemen, Here We Invest With Balls”: Cryptos and the Celebration of Unfettered Hegemonic Masculinity

Wessel Joosten
16 minutes to read

This paper analyzes various texts from social media concerning the displays of hegemonic masculinity in the crypto world. Through the analysis in this paper, we will explain the subculture created by crypto bros and their ideology.