digital health, health, AI, algorithmic intelligence and health

Digital Health

The Editors

Digitalization, algorithmic intelligence and digital platformization are affecting all areas of our lives. Health is no exception. New apps allow us to monitor our movements, check our health progress and discipline our bodies; health is increasingly digitized. Not just individuals, but also health institutions are confronted with the impact of these technologies. This has apparent benefits, but there are also very profound negative effects. In this new Diggit Magazine file, you can learn more about digital health and health in relation to digitalization and digital culture. 

Digital Health

Artificial Intelligence Risks in the Health Care Sector

Luna-Anastasia Riedel
4 minutes to read

This short article deals with the philosophical debate about Responsibility Gap in case an AI is used to diagnose patients before meeting a medical doctor. What would happen if the AI gives a wrong diagnosis, not recognising a new illness?

The trade-off between privacy or public health

Noa Reijnen
10 minutes to read

This paper aims to analyze how De Jonge and the Parliament have approached and reacted to a data breach at the GGD. The underlying question of this case is whether the Dutch society should value privacy or public health more.

Deep Medicine - review

Can artificial intelligence make medicine more humane? (Eric Topol)

Jenny Slatman
7 minutes to read

Eric Topol, the author of Deep Medicine: How Artificial Intelligence Can Make Healthcare Human Again (2019), argues in this book that articificial intelligence can make healthcare more humane. 

Does a Fitbit make you healthier and happier?

Iris Olde Hampsink
11 minutes to read

This article analyzes the app Fitbit, its aim and its game design elements. What makes Fitbit both successful and unsuccessful. Additionally, the article discusses what role participatory surveillance plays on the app. 

Fitbit and participatory surveillance of the modern individual

Nathalie Schabio
10 minutes to read

This article sheds light on how Foucault's principle of the Panopticon can be applied to the digital age. The Fitbit app is more than a modern panopticon that shows that the 21st-century individual takes part in participatory surveillance. 

How an insurance company motivates clients to stay healthy: the a.s.r. Vitality app

Isabelle Cijsouw
17 minutes to read

This article explores how the a.s.r. Vitality app communicates societal health norms and shows how important notions in Michel Foucault’s work - the panopticon, social hygiene and the care of the self - can be applied to this phenomenon.

Self-Tracking Data and its Commercial Uses

Marieke Hendriks
14 minutes to read

The commercialization of self-tracking data introduces new privacy risks as a consequence of the 'biovalue' that health and medical information have in the digital data economy. 

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Nudging in the Healthy Direction

Noor W.
15 minutes to read

What is the health hype 'nudging' in the linguistic landscape? How is it practised at Tilburg University? And does it really work?

Mark Zuckerberg and Digital Health Platform 1DOC3

How Digital Health Platform 1DOC3 exploits the Global South

Juan Eduardo Bonnin
5 minutes to read

1DOC3, a recently created Colombian digital health platform, claims to be the future of medicine. With a public discourse of universal access, its business model profits from global inequality.

menstrual activism, feminism, cup

Bloody amazing, this menstrual activism

Mijke Akkermans
4 minutes to read

The necessity of the powerful practice of menstrual activism is deliniated in this column, which discusses its development and achievements, a personal opinion on its influence and its presence in the contemporary artistic sphere.

Mobile health app, health app, mhealth

When mHealth apps become unhealthy

Kelsey van Tellingen
10 minutes to read

Mhealth apps have become more popular in the last couple of years. Are we losing the connection with our body by using our mobile devices to tell us whether we are living a healthy lifestyle? We need more information about the use of health apps.