
TPCS 5: In beloved memory of: Facebook, death and subjectivity

Working paper
Piia Varis

New socio-technological tools certainly have an empowering dimension. However, they also shape our subjectivities by regulating them and limiting our agency. This working paper discusses these socio-technological developments through the case of Facebook, in order to demonstrate the implications social media like Facebook have for subjectivity and social practices. 

Philip Seargeant

Philip Seargeant on Digital Culture in 2018 and 2019

The Editors

"Digital culture is so pervasive, there’s often very little analytic use in making hard distinctions between the online and offline worlds." Philip Seargeant from the Open University talks about digital culture, language and politics

Brazil Online: The Public Sphere and Communicative Capitalism

Lucas Pascholatti
17 minutes to read

This article aims to discuss the idea of a communicative capitalism behind mass media and its influence in social media. The article uses the theory of public sphere and criticises the idea of a online public sphere in Brazilian social media.

Image of One Direction's Niall Horan, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson and Liam Payne

Aren’t you a bit too old for that?

Lisanne Nugteren
12 minutes to read

Micro-hegemonies give shape to our identity. Lisanne Nugteren describes a few micro-hegemonies in her own life and explains related terminology.

How media formats shaped Trump's message

Federico Tosi
10 minutes to read

This article analyzes the way in which media shapes Donald Trump’s message and discourse, especially highlighting the importance of the length of the appearances, as they differ depending on the particular message the candidate is promoting.


Italy's fertility day campaign

Addes Tesfamariam
10 minutes to read

Fertility Day, the campaign to combat Italy's low birthrate, outraged the entire country. What made this campaign so controversial?

Fertility Day: a LGBT perspective

Maria Cantiello
4 minutes to read

The infamous campaign on the Fertility Day campaign, promoted by the Italian Minister of Health, was followed by strong reactions from different sides of Italian society. This article provides an analyses from the LGBT perspective.