
Fortnite characters

Convergence culture in the video game industry

Szymon Zbiegniewski
10 minutes to read

The NorCal and SCal culture industries are converging on multiple levels, and one of them is the video game industry. This paper explores how Fortnite revolutionized the way we perceive games.

The Suspicious Comeback of FMV Games

Inge van de Ven
19 minutes to read

Full Motion Video (FMV) games, which were popular in the early and mid-nineties but then became outdated, are making a surprising comeback. The lack of interactivity the genre is often derided for is precisely its strength.

The Metapolitics of Bioshock Infinite

Daniel Obubo
16 minutes to read

This article seeks to explore these themes in the world of Bioshock Infinite and analyze them from a metapolitical perspective. The article will examine how these themes play a role in our present-day political discourse.