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Graphic Novel

Graphic novels are a contemporary literature form of long stories told in comics format. They have the same characteristics of comics: multimodality, cartooning techniques and elements (panels, gutters).


Comics (generally referring to comic books and comic strips) are a popular form of visual storytelling that combines still images and text.


The picturebook is a storytelling medium that presents its text in both verbal and visual language. According to Barbara Bader (1976), a picturebook is words and illustrations in a total design, “an item of manufacture and a commercial product; a social, cultural, historic document; and foremost, an experience for a [reader / beholder]. As an art form it hinges on the interdependence of pictures and words, on the simultaneous display of two facing pages, and on the drama of the turning page” (ibid., p.1).


Arts is originally related to art and as such refers to a skill and to creativity. In antiquity and in medieval European universities seven artes were considered important: grammar, logic, rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy. From the 18th and 19th centuries on – the period of Romanticism and upcoming bourgeois society - the artist, the one who makes art, was regarded as someone with a special talent and authentic character.
what is the self proclaimed 'art hoe'?

The whitewashing of the 'art hoe' movement

Marieke Weeda
11 minutes to read

This article explores how the art hoe movement, meant as a space of creative expression for PoC (People of Colour) artists, got whitewashed into a mere aesthetic disconnected from its origins.

Framing 'Shirkers' as a first person documentary

Chen Li
16 minutes to read

Shirkers (2018) is a documentary about athe mysterious personal experience of Sandi Tan, the filmmaker herself. Based on cognitive frame, this paper analyzes the textual, contextual, and real-world referential signals of 'Shirkers' (2018).


An intimacy coordinator on the film set: an unnecessary luxury?

Nadine Visser
14 minutes to read

Power imbalances often lead to abuse in the film inustry. #MeToo has made companies like HBO search for solutions. An on-set intimacy coordinator can ensure that actors' rights are being respected when filming intimate scenes.

How ballroom culture is shaped by oppression

Tunde Farago
10 minutes to read

In this paper, the two-dimensional forms of differentiation as documented in Paris is Burning will be discussed, with the aim to analyse how this shapes the ballroom culture.

persepolis, novel

Persepolis: an autobiographical graphic novel

Susanne Vermeeren
12 minutes to read

What are the advantages of writing your autobiography as a graphic novel, rather than a novel? This paper analyzes Satrapi's Persepolis as an autobiographical graphic novel.

Ilo Ilo: Realism and Fiction in Singaporean Family Dynamics

Zoe Kng
14 minutes to read

In Ilo Ilo, Anthony Chen manages to capture 1990s Singapore through the use of multiple resources. The film encompasses the complexity and often unspoken issues of the introduction of a maid to a family riddled by their own internal problems.


Capharnaüm: an engaging story about Beirut

Nadine Visser
15 minutes to read

Capharnaüm is a realistic docudrama about a twelve-year old boy who wants to sue his parents. This paper discusses the realism and effects on the audience.